Friday, December 16, 2011

??Pregnancy Questions?

You're best bet is birth control pills. I would suggest Yaz, which is what I took before I started trying to get pregnant. No form of birth control is 100% effective ever. Some women do have side affects with birth control, but not always and I never had any side affects that really bothered me. In fact when I was on birth control, my acne cleared up, my cramps didn't hurt as badly, and my periods were lighter. Condoms don't really take away from the pleasure of , if you use them properly you won't even be able to tell a difference much. Like I said, no form of birth control is 100% effective. You're boyfriend or you, could have an operation to sterilize you, and yes they are reversible. But sometimes they can't reverse it and it's very costly to have it done and even more costly to have it undone. Spermicides are ok, but again not 100% effective. When I have used them in the past I've actually burned down there and once got an infection from them. So I wouldn't recommend them. Try birth control first, if you don't like it try something else. As far as condoms being environmental, just about everything isn't. You drink pop or water from a bottle? Eat take out from a box? Those things aren't environmental either but you still use them because they are necessary. Whatever you do, do NOT use the pull out method. It doesn't work.


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